The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) is the world’s brightest synchrotron situated in Grenoble, France and supported by 22 countries

Nanofocus SAXS/WAXD analysis of controlled polyester - nucleating agent interfaces; unraveling the mechanism(s) of nucleation
Proposal number: MA 5963
Beamline: ID13
Beamtime period: 29th November 2023 – 2nd December 2023 (9 shifts)
In-situ GIWAXS/Raman investigacion of polymer crystallization during cast film extrusion
Proposal number: SC-5256
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 5th April 2022 – 8th April 2022 (9 shifts)
Real-time investigation of film formation in colloidal waterbone coatings
Proposal number: A26-2 921
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 8th October 2021 –13th October 2021 (15 shifts)
Online study of the mechanism of crystallization of iPP during cas film extrusion via simultaneous X-Ray/raman measurements
Proposal number: A26-2 2920
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 4th October 2021 –8th October 2021 (9 shifts)
Mechanism of crystallization of PLA stereo-diblock-copolymers with different tacticities by simultaneous Linkam DSC coupled to SAXS-WAXS and Raman spectroscopy
Proposal number: A26-2 940
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 15th September 2021 – 21st September 2021 (17 shifts)
Mechanism of crystallization of PLA stereo-diblock-copolymers by simultaneous Linkam DSC coupled to SAXS-WAXS in combination with Raman spectroscopy
Proposal number: A26-2 916
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 7th May 2018 – 11th May 2018 (12 shifts)
Structural investigation of novel PLA block copolymers derivatives for drug delivery applications. SC-4638
Proposal number: SC-4638
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 4th May 2021 – 8th May 2021 (12 shifts)
Structural investigation of novel PLA block copolymers derivatives for drug delivery applications
Proposal number: SC-4638
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 22nd January 2018 – 26th Jqnuqry 2018 (15 shifts)
A SAXS/WAXS/DSC Study of Stereocomplex Formation in Poly(L-lactic acid) Stereoisomer Mixtures
Proposal number: SC-4517
Beamline: BM26
Beamtime period: 13th June 2017 – 16th June 2017 (12 shifts)
For more information, check some of our publications
Options to Improve the Action of PROTACs in Cancer: Development of Controlled Delivery Nanoparticles
Juan A, Del Mar Noblejas-López M, Arenas-Moreira M, Alonso-Moreno C, Ocaña A. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Feb 3;9:805336. PMID: 35186955; PMCID: PMC8851355 doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.805336.
Poly(Cyclohexene Phthalate) Nanoparticles for Controlled Dasatinib Delivery in Breast Cancer Therapy
Niza E, Nieto-Jiménez C, Noblejas-López MDM, Bravo I, Castro-Osma JA, Cruz-Martínez F, Buchaca MMS, Posadas I, Canales-Vázquez J, Lara-Sanchez A, Hermida-Merino D, Solano E, Ocaña A, Alonso-Moreno C. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2019 Aug 27;9(9):1208. PMID: 31461998; PMCID:...
Assessment of doxorubicin delivery devices based on tailored bare polycaprolactone against glioblastoma
Niza E, Castro-Osma JA, Posadas I, Alonso-Moreno C, Bravo I, Garzón A, Canales-Vázquez J, Ceña V, Lara-Sánchez A, Albaladejo J, Otero A. Pharm. 2019 Mar 10;558:110-119. Epub 2019 Jan 9. PMID: 30639216 doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.12.079.
PEI-coated PLA nanoparticles to enhance the antimicrobial activity of carvacrol
Niza E, Božik M, Bravo I, Clemente-Casares P, Lara-Sanchez A, Juan A, Klouček P, Alonso-Moreno C. Food Chem. 2020 Oct 30;328:127131. Epub 2020 May 23. PMID: 32485586. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127131.
Antibody Conjugation of Nanoparticles as Therapeutics for Breast Cancer Treatment
Juan A, Cimas FJ, Bravo I, Pandiella A, Ocaña A, Alonso-Moreno C. Therapeutics for Breast Cancer Treatment. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug 21;21(17):6018. PMID: 32825618; PMCID: PMC7504566. doi: 10.3390/ijms21176018.
An Overview of Antibody Conjugated Polymeric Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Therapy
Juan A, Cimas FJ, Bravo I, Pandiella A, Ocaña A, Alonso-Moreno C. Pharmaceutics. 2020 Aug 25;12(9):802. PMID: 32854255; PMCID: PMC7558516. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12090802.
Controlled Delivery of BET-PROTACs: In Vitro Evaluation of MZ1-Loaded Polymeric Antibody Conjugated Nanoparticles in Breast Cancer
Cimas FJ, Niza E, Juan A, Noblejas-López MDM, Bravo I, Lara-Sanchez A, Alonso-Moreno C, Ocaña A. Pharmaceutics. 2020 Oct 19;12(10):986. PMID: 33086530; PMCID: PMC7589709 doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12100986.
Mithramycin delivery systems to develop effective therapies in sarcomas
Estupiñán Ó, Niza E, Bravo I, Rey V, Tornín J, Gallego B, Clemente-Casares P, Moris F, Ocaña A, Blanco-Lorenzo V, Rodríguez-Santamaría M, Vallina-Álvarez A, González MV, Rodríguez A, Hermida-Merino D, Alonso-Moreno C, Rodríguez R. J Nanobiotechnology. 2021 Sep...
Vitamin E Delivery Systems Increase Resistance to Oxidative Stress in Red Deer Sperm Cells: Hydrogel and Nanoemulsion Carriers
Jurado-Campos A, Soria-Meneses PJ, Sánchez-Rubio F, Niza E, Bravo I, Alonso-Moreno C, Arenas-Moreira M, García-Álvarez O, Soler AJ, Garde JJ, Fernández-Santos MDR Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Nov 6;10(11):1780. PMID: 34829650; PMCID: PMC8615287. doi:...
Characterization of Tuna Gelatin-Based Hydrogels as a Matrix for Drug Delivery
Hermida-Merino C, Cabaleiro D, Lugo L, Valcarcel J, Vázquez JA, Bravo I, Longo A, Salloum-Abou-Jaoude G, Solano E, Gracia-Fernández C, Piñeiro MM, Hermida-Merino D. Gels. 2022 Apr 12;8(4):237 doi: 10.3390/gels8040237.
Multifunctional PLA/Gelatin Bionanocomposites for Tailored Drug Delivery Systems
Moya-Lopez C, Juan A, Donizeti M, Valcarcel J, Vazquez JA, Solano E, Chapron D, Bourson P, Bravo I, Alonso-Moreno C, Clemente-Casares P, Gracia-Fernández C, Longo A, Salloum-Abou-Jaoude G, Ocaña A, Piñeiro MM, Hermida-Merino C, Hermida-Merino D. Pharmaceutics. 2022...
Enhanced Antitumoral Activity of Encapsulated BET Inhibitors When Combined with PARP Inhibitors for the Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast and Ovarian Cancers
Juan A, Noblejas-López MDM, Bravo I, Arenas-Moreira M, Blasco-Navarro C, Clemente-Casares P, Lara-Sánchez A, Pandiella A, Alonso-Moreno C, Ocaña A Cancers (Basel). 2022 Sep 15;14(18):4474. PMID: 36139634; PMCID: PMC9496913 doi: 10.3390/cancers14184474.
Vitamin E Lipid-Based Nanodevices as a Tool for Ovine Sperm Protection against Oxidative Stress: Impact on Sperm Motility
Jurado-Campos, A.; Soria-Meneses, P.J.; Arenas-Moreira, M.; Alonso-Moreno, C.; Bravo, I.; Rodríguez-Robledo, V.; Sánchez-Ajofrín, I.; Soler, A.J.; Garde, J.J.; Fernández-Santos, M.d.R. Antioxidants 2022, 11, 1988.
Minimizing sperm oxidative stress using nanotechnology for breeding programs in rams
Jurado-Campos A, Soria-Meneses PJ, Arenas-Moreira M, Alonso-Moreno C, Rodríguez-Robledo V, Soler AJ, Garde JJ, Del Rocío Fernández-Santos M. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2023 Aug 10;14(1):106 doi: 10.1186/s40104-023-00907-3.
Macrophage Cell Membrane Coating on Piperine-Loaded MIL-100(Fe) Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Treatment
Quijia, C.R.; Navegante, G.; Sábio, R.M.; Valente, V.; Ocaña, A.; Alonso-Moreno, C.; Frem, R.C.G.; Chorilli, M. J. Funct. Biomater. 2023, 14, 319.
Chitosan-coated MIL-100(Fe) nanoparticles for enhanced piperine release in breast cancer treatment
Christian Rafael Quijia, Alberto Ocaña, Carlos Alonso‑Moreno, Regina Célia Galvão Frem, Marlus Chorilli. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1305, 2024,
Volasertib: Stable Complexes with Albumin and Encapsulation into Alginate/Montmorillonite Bionanocomposites
Fernández-Sainz J, Herrera-Ochoa D, Pacheco-Liñán PJ, Darder M, Albaladejo J, Bravo I, et al. ChemRxiv. 2024; doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-75qm5
Anti-EGFR conjugated nanoparticles to deliver Alpelisib as targeted therapy for head and neck cancer
Juan, A.; Segrelles, C.; del Campo-Balguerías, A.; Bravo, I.; Silva, I.; Peral, J.; Ocaña, A.; Clemente-Casares, P.; Alonso-Moreno, C.; Lorz, C.
Enhanced Antitumoral Activity of Encapsulated BET Inhibitors When Combined with PARP Inhibitors for the Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast and Ovarian Cancers
Juan A, Noblejas-López MDM, Bravo I, Arenas-Moreira M, Blasco-Navarro C, Clemente-Casares P, Lara-Sánchez A, Pandiella A, Alonso-Moreno C, Ocaña A. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Sep 15;14(18):4474. PMID: 36139634; PMCID: PMC9496913. doi: 10.3390/cancers14184474.